A Hiden Analytical mélységprofil analízisre szolgáló termékei
A Hiden Analytical egy olyan ‘SIMS munkaállomást’ fejlesztett ki, mely a SIMS felületi analízisként ismert rendkívüli érzékenységű technikát alkalmazza a pontos analízishez. Egy vagy kettő elsődleges ionágyúval dolgozik a mélységprofil analízisek során a felületanalitikai alkalmazásokkor. Ezek az ionforrások, melyek integrált egységei a műszereknek a SIMS munkaállomáson belül, 2 nm-es felbontású mélységprofilokat tudnak biztosítani
• IG5C Cézium Ionágyú
• IG20 Argon / Oxigén Ionágyú
Compact SIMS
A UHV surface analysis system for thin film depth profiling. Measures the surface composition of the first few nanometers and/or micrometers depth of solid samples.
Mass range 50, 300, 510 amu
Minimum detectable concentration ppm
SIMS – Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Yes
Analysis of ions ejected from sample surface Yes positive ions (negative ion option)
SNMS – Secondary Neutral Mass Spectrometry Yes – Option
Depth resolution 3 nm
Minimum detectable concentration – Boron in Si 1017 atoms cm-3
Minimum detectable concentration – SNMS 1%
UHV multiport chamber No, fixed geometry easy entry chamber
Accommodates additional instrumentation No
Sample movement Manual
SIMS/SNMS Workstation
A design breakthrough for surface analysis. For fast and easy characterisation of layer structures, surface contamination and impurities.
Mass range 300, 510 or 1000 amu
Minimum detectable concentration PPM/PPB level contamination analysis
SIMS – Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Yes
Analysis of ions ejected from sample surface Yes (primary ions of oxygen, argon or caesium)
SNMS – Secondary Neutral Mass Spectrometry Yes
Analysis of ions ejected from sample surface Yes (primary ions of oxygen, argon or caesium)
Depth resolution +/- 5 nanometer
Minimum detectable concentration – SIMS 1016 atoms per cubic centimeter – species dependent
Minimum detectable concentration – SNMS 0.01% – species dependant
UHV multiport chamber Yes
Accommodates additional instrumentation Yes (E.g. XPS)
A 5 KeV Caesium ion gun for UHV surface analysis applications.
Primary ion source for SIMS/SNMS analysis and elemental mapping of electronegative species.
Primary ion Cs+
Ion energy 0.5 to 5.0 KeV
Minimum spot diameter 20 micrometers
Deflection field for mapping +/- 4 millimeters
Ion beam current 0.1 to 150 nA
Maximum Etch Rate 30 nm/min for a silicon target
A 5 KeV Argon or Oxygen ion source for UHV surface analysis applications.
Primary ion source for SIMS/SNMS analysis and elemental mapping of electropositive species.
Primary ion Oxygen, Argon, Xenon
Ion energy 0.5 to 5 KeV
Minimum spot size (elemental mapping) 50 micrometers
Minimum spot size (depth profiling) 100 micrometers
Deflection field for mapping +/- 4 millimeters
Ion beam current 1.0 to 800 nanoamperes
Typical fast etch rate- Si (5 KeV Ar 600nA) 50 nanometers per second, 450um X 650um crater